A pink unicorn stands clapping on a field of grass with spectators behind a fence.

Psychedelic Society


  • Psychedelic Society Standard Membership£0.00

About Psychedelic Society


We are a collective who value physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing, creating adventure through movement and play.
Cultivating Consciousness, Curiosity, Connection.



We aim to:

create an inclusive safe space for people to explore psychedelia & conciousness holisticially, as a part of art and culture, alternative medicine, politics and alternate states of conciousness,

cultivate a community-centred society through collaboration, feedback and accessibility,

expose the colonisation and capitalization within the psychedelic movement through intersectional information,

respect nature, indigenous and elder's knowledge,

promote substance safer use through harm reduction.


What do we do?

Events we host broaden our members’ understanding of what is possible whilst retaining the importance of safe practices and wellbeing. We incorporate a practice of play and encourage social engagement, creativity, curiosity, and neuroplasticity - in the spirit of psychedelics.

'Synergy Sessions' Regular casual community meet-up: at these gatherings, members feel free to unwind, ask questions or share experiences. Topics may be brought forward as a lead for us to talk about.

Special guest/collaborative events: we host talks, hold workshops, explore nature. In the past we've collaborated with various researches, artists, musicians, healers. Past events listed below.

We are a member of the Drug Science Student Network, an international network of university societies related to drug policy, science and research. We will collaborate with students nationally and internationally throughout the academic year, so become a member of our community today to join the movement!


How do I get involved?

Membership is free for all UAL students and comes with some special perks.
Non-UAL individuals can come to some of our events for a low fee to cover costs. Keep an eye out for these on our Instagram.
Tickets for all parties can be booked via the SU Website.
Together we try to create a space for collaboration, where our members can co-create our society alongside each other. We are active on our Instagram and have a feedback form linked in which you can get involved and have a say in what we do next. Feel free to get into contact with us through instagram or mail (details below). Don't be shy!

Contact Details

Organisers: Louison Coutte & Malia Thibaut
Email: ualpsychedelicsociety@gmail.com
Instagram: @ualpsychedelicsociety

Past events


Conversation on Fractals with Julius Horsthuis


Film screening of "La Planète Sauvage" (Fantastic Planet) a film by René Laloux.
Fungus Walk with London Fungus Network
'The Agony & Ecasty of Dieta' talk by Ramanja of Lyra
'My Solar Plexus was suddenly bathed in green' talk by Rhona Eve Clews
'Psychedelics in Africa: the Untold Story' by Darren Le Barron
Sunday Soundbath Session with ReallyNiceSounds (James & Bianca Stephenson)


Nature Stroll in Richmond Park
Synergy Sessions
'The Science of Psychedelics' talk by Dr David Luke
Fungus Foray with London Fungus Network
and lots more to come...

Godself, painting by Alex Grey


Harm Reduction Resources

General substance information:
https://en.saferparty.ch/substanzen (head to the psychedelics class in the filters)
The Four Pillars by Zendo Project: guide to sitting someone through a trip experience
A Mini Harm Reduction Guide for the Respectful use of Psilocybin Mushrooms by The Pharmycologist: http://thepharmycologist.com/psilocybin-harm-reduction-guide/
Disclaimer: Please note that possession, use and supply of controlled drugs are illegal in the UK, and at Arts SU, we have a zero-tolerance policy toward drugs. The Psychedelic Society offers harm reduction resources and wellbeing support, which can be found via the links below and on our instagram.


24th May
Buy our tote bag here.
24th May
Buy our t-shirt here.


No elections are currently running