5 Student Officers posing in a group.


Candidate for the position of Union Affairs Officer

Image for J A Neto

J A Neto

Connecting the dots for a better university experience. #NetoArtsSU23


Hi, my name is Neto (He, Him). I graduated with a BA in Journalism at LCC and now studying for an MA in Publishing. I’m a mature student asking for your vote to help me apply the many skills I acquired in the past years as a student Rep, Peer Mentor, Ambassador, Changemaker and through other roles from previous jobs to the position of Union Affairs Office.


If elected, I can:

- Continue the great work of my colleague that currently holds this position, maintaining the progression of her initiatives whilst supporting the new Arts SU Officers.

- Raise awareness and influence UAL to achieve equality and inclusion for all students, particularly foreign and mature students – being part of both communities and also part of the LGBTQ+ community, I know from experience that many of us face the same difficulties, anxieties, doubts and stress.

- Hear and include our voices to contribute to a better University experience while exchanging valuable experiences that benefit all students, regardless of age, origin or background.

- Carry on implementing decolonisation in our curriculums while improving communication to promote the available opportunities and support for all students.

- Ensure that we keep on building a safe environment where students can trust that they belong to a community that values their voices.


Prior to my academic experiences, I used to organise and curate art exhibitions and events, helping artists to build their social media presence online, choose their next career steps and build their networks. I also worked in the fashion and retail industry for many years, but I am now focusing on the academic sector.


With your vote, I will be able to represent your voice.