Recognising and representing the diverse student community at UAL is a fundamental part of our work at Arts SU. Our mission is to understand the inequality and disparities that exist for our students in arts education and wider society so that we can respond. We want our work to provide a voice and platform to marginalised student communities, actively educating and addressing the barriers that exist.

Geneve Chu

All In My Head

Geneve Chu

BA (Hons) Fine Art

The mind is what most people with Anxiety typically struggle to live in harmony with. From my own personal experience with Panic Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder, I’ve always struggled with the aggressive nature of my obsessive thoughts, becoming my own mind’s prisoner. The invisible conflict battling in my head makes itself visible through my actions in my own artwork. Scratching, tearing, ripping my own artwork as a physical form of stress release which I’ve come to embrace as a means of self soothing.