5 Student Officers posing in a group.

Course Rep Training: CSM

Training and social for students from CSM

Date Monday 23 October 2023

Time 5pm - 8pm

Location LMVH Lecture Theatre/ E003, Central Saint Martins, 1 Granary Square, N1C 4AA


Welcome Course Reps! We are so excited to start working with you to make sure students’ voices are listened to, and that academic life at UAL is as good as it can be.

To kick off our year of Course Rep programming, we are hosting training sessions for all reps, whether this is your first year in the role or if you’re back for a second (or third, or fourth!) year, please join us to learn what the course rep role is and learn practical tips on how to carry out the role.

After the session, we will also be hosting a rep social, where you can get to know other student reps.

Please be sure to book your spot at the session you’re coming along to – we have limited space at each location and don’t want to have to turn anyone away on the day! 

Finally – although we are running college and postgraduate specific training, if you can’t make these session then you are welcome to come along to any of our other sessions, taking place on the following dates:

If you have any questions about these sessions – you can drop us a line at coursereps@su.arts.ac.uk