Sports clubs offer opportunities to get involved in competitive and non-competitive sports. Whether it’s competing against other universities in BUCS, or just turning up to have fun, our clubs are a great way to participate in sports and meet new friends.


Competitive Games & Training

Competitive Training

In addition to games on Mondays and Wednesdays and the access to the Social Session on Fridays, if you are a Team Member you are invited to the following trainings.

Women’s Training: Tuesdays 8-9:30pm LBTS

Men’s Training: Thursdays 8-9:30pm LBTS

Mixed Training: Fridays 6:30- 8pm LBTS

*LBTS (Lillian Baylis Technology School)


We have three indoor competitive teams; Men’s, Women’s and Mixed. Men’s and Women’s compete in the British Universities and College Sport(BUCS) League, whilst Mixed competes in the London Universities Sports League(LUSL).

Men’s Div3/ Women’s Div 2/ Mixed Premiere Division.

Throughout the regular season we compete to win the league table, our overall wins and losses contribute to that. Alongside that the Cup Tournament games run as bracket/ pool system that we work our way up to.

If you are a current player or new team player, please download the BUCS app and request to join the team. You cannot compete in our teams if you are not registered with BUCS. You must bring your valid student ID to all games, and have been selected for the line up on the BUCS app.

For more information please contact your relevant captain Olya, Amani or Sofia.