5 Student Officers posing in a group.


Candidate for the position of School Rep: LCC ¦ Screen

Image for Nia Atherley

Nia Atherley

I am Nia Atherley, running for the LCC student representative screen. 

I'm an animation student (first year) and being an animation student, I have seen many students become strained with overwhelming workloads. I have struggled with these workloads also.  

So what can we do? You may ask. 

Believe in me. 

I know that sounds weird as a sentence and quite annoying. 

I want to be the voice for every student so LCC can hear them so they can no longer suffer in silence because of the fear of retaliation for speaking out.  

I want to bring change to LCC where we can look up at our building and feel proud that this is our university. 

I know saying that "I am the best choice to vote for" is what I'm supposed to say, but I'm not the best.  

I am only human. 

I have experience being a student rep for college, but I had made mistakes, which taught me to work differently for the future.  

If you vote for me, I will make sure you can have your voice heard have the chance to make the changes that will make a difference for you and your peers because creativity is our voice, and LCC must listen to them. 

My plan and goals 

Summer term 

  • Have a student's safe place for students to communicate their thoughts and worries via (email and social media) 

Autumn term 

  • Have software (Adobe) provided by UAL for free. 

  • Have workloads on students to be eased for stressed-out students. 

  • Ensure that teacher feedback is not copied and pasted.