5 Student Officers posing in a group.


Candidate for the position of School Rep: CSM ¦ C&E, GCD, Spatial Practices

Image for Eleanor Beckman

Eleanor Beckman

Collaboration, communication, & “translation” between groups of people


Schools are only as good as the people and courses inside them: institutions are about an exchange.

As students here we have all had the experience of how complicated information distribution and communication can be at CSM and UAL at large: it can be overwhelming to even begin to engage with such a sprawling enterprise!

As a MA student in the Culture & Enterprise Department, I come with a decade of running businesses, some of them my own. I’m passionate about using this lived experience and understanding of complicated interactions and applying it on behalf of the students, to the university.

I have many years of experience supporting and advocating for artists and makers of all sorts, often translating on their behalf with institutions. My experience has overlapped with architects, graphic designers, artists, academics, and creatives of all disciplines.

I’m deeply dedicated to seeking out and listening to a myriad of voices, particularly under-represented ones. 

The students in our programs need to have a voice and representation. I am so excited by the radical potential in the programs that C&E, GSD, and Spatial Practices offer, moving beyond strict disciplinary limitations and forging new kinds of ideas.

I’m not afraid to speak up on behalf of what we are doing.

I would love to help facilitate conversations, communication, and collaboration between us as people attending this school, our departments and tutors, and CSM and UAL.

I want our departments to have a presence!