5 Student Officers posing in a group.

Snack & Chat: Queer Literature with the Queer Liberation Society

Date Tuesday 28 February 2023

Time 5pm - 7pm

Location The Darkroom Bar, London College of Communication


The Queer Liberation Society will be hosting a snack and chat meet at the end of the month, to discuss the selection of suggested reads for LGBTQ+ History Month, and explore queer literature in general, to kickstart their new society activities going forward.

If you would like to follow the Queer Liberation Society on social media, you can find them on Instagram @UAL_Queer

You can find the society's list of reading recommendations for this history month here: 

(please note you do not have to have read any to attend the event, we will be having a casual meet, greet, and eat and sharing a love of literature which is open to anybody!)

How To Survive a Plague - David France

An incredibly detailed history of HIV/AIDS and activism.


The Celluloid Closet - Vito Russo

A seminal text on queer representation in film.


Youngman - Lou Sullivan

The diaries of Lou Sullivan, the first ever recorded gay trans man, who passed of AIDS.


Black On Both Sides - C. Riley Snorton

History of the interconnectedness of black and trans identities.


The Transgender Issue -Shon Faye

A modern text that is a quick and easy accessible read on the state of trans rights in the UK and how we got here.


Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg

A famous semi fictional semi-autobiographical novel about lesbianism and trans identity.


Giovanni’s Room - James Baldwin

A famous gay novel from the 1950s.


Angels In America - Tony Kushner

A 7.5 hour epic play from the 90s that spoke on themes of death vs life, HIV/AIDS, religion.


Orlando - Virginia Woolf

The iconic classic novel on gender and sexual fluidity.


De Profundis - Oscar Wilde

Wilde’s prison writings including letters, poems and essays, speaking on anarchism, incarceration, aestheticism and the criminalisation of queer identity.


Whipping Girl - Julia Serang

A manifesto about trans-femininity, popularised the theory that transphobia is rooted in sexism and racism.


The Mark of Gender - Monique Wittig

A seminal work discussing how language naturalises cultural ideals of gender, how the feminine is 'marked' in relation to the male, and how gender neutral pronouns revolutionise this system.


Gender Trouble - Judith Butler

An in depth look at the systems of gender, discussing how gender falls out of a matrix of compulsory heterosexuality, and how its essential quality is simply performance.


Ways Of Seeing - John Berger 

A collection of purely visual and written essays that discuss the place of 'women' within systems of observation, largely in relation to art and advertising.


An Apartment On Uranus - Paul Preciado

An incredibly emotional collection of short essays by Paul Preciado over the course of his transition.