All the latest news!

You Said, We Did (2022/23)

Let's wrap up some of our work to improve your experience at UAL last year!


The 2022-2023 academic year has come to an end, and as we prepare to welcome everyone into a new academic year, we are rounding up all the campaigns that took place during the 2022-2023 academic year! Our blog post today will go through all passed campaigns & ideas, and where we’re at with them. 

This academic year included the introduction of our new online platform – Your Ideas! Where you can propose policy or campaigns the Students' Union should focus on. Thank you to everyone who has taken part with the platform so far and we hope to see many more students using their voice with the platform. 

Passed ideas, either via the Ideas Platform (Your Ideas) or via one of our All-Student Meetings are referred to as SU Policy. This means that it is an objective we must focus on at the SU as mandated by our members (UAL students!) 

You can read more about how the ideas platform works – and submit your own ideas by clicking here. We’ve also included a diagram below of the process. 

If you have any questions about SU democracy & campaigns, please email us at 



All-Student Meeting calendar 2023-2024

Annual Members Meeting: November 2023

Agenda released:?Monday 13th November 2023

Event Date:?Wednesday 22nd November 2023 

Event Time:?5:00 PM?- 6:30 PM 

Location:? TBC

Student Forum: February 2024

Agenda released:?Tuesday 31st January 2024

Event Date:?Wednesday 7th February 2024 

Event Time:? 3 PM - 4:45 PM 

Location:? TEAMS

Student Forum: May 2024

Agenda released:?Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Event Date:?Wednesday 1st May 2024 

Event Time:?1:00 PM?- 3:00 PM 

Location:? TBC 


Arts SU Ideas (policies) & Campaigns 

You can view the full versions of the ideas (policies) passed in our policy book here!

Policy passed via our Annual Members Meeting, Student Forum, or by reaching 100+ votes on the Your Ideas platform are formal objectives of Arts SU for 3 years.  


You Said:

Continued access to University facilities and services after graduating 

We Did: 

We have investigated what is already available to students from UAL and found: 

  • UAL offers a graduate support scheme for free to students graduating from UAL up to five years after they graduated. You can view the support they offer and pre-made resource booklets here

  • Students are already able to access some free digital library resources, and we are investigating the limits of this. 

  • UAL offers a graduate support module for one year after you graduate and you can access this at  

  • We are currently in discussions with the UAL digital & learning team around software licenses and the UAL account access and where this can be expanded. There are issues around the contracts between UAL and software providers (such as Adobe) that mean it cannot be expanded to graduates at this time.  


You Said:

Have the SU run merchandise competitions 

We Did: 

We are currently investigating the implementation of the merchandise competitions as well as expanding our current merch offer.  More updates will be coming soon around this! 


You Said:

Keep Police Off UAL Campuses 

We Did: 

We are currently writing an official policy for the Students’ Union around interaction with the police and are being vigilant to any intentions of UAL inviting police on campus again in the future.  


You Said:

The SU should implement a Guarantor Scheme 

We Did: 

We are currently researching various ways UAL can introduce the guarantor scheme and writing a proposal paper to the UAL executive board which includes our recommendations on how this can be implemented. 

Our research from the Private Rental Survey will be added to this paper, a big thank you to everyone who filled out our survey! 



You Said:

UAL Food Regenesis (UAL move to a plant based future) 

We Did: 

  • The UAL food regenesis organisers ran events throughout last academic year around being plant-based and moving towards a plant-based future and created key contacts with the Climate Emergency Network to spread the word of the UAL food regenesis campaign.  
  • The next steps will be to continue by hosting plant-based related events and creating an official policy to take to UAL to move towards being plant based.  
  • We will be incorporating the UAL Food regensis campaign work as part of our sustainability work such as earth day with the Climate Emergency Network. 


You Said:

The Students’ Union should pay course reps ?for their time attending UAL meetings on an hourly basis 

We Did: 

We are currently researching best practices on how other Student Unions provide payment to their volunteer representatives and are writing a proposal paper to UAL around funding the payment for our course reps. We will provide an update soon! 


You Said:

Arts SU Support UCU Strikes 

We Did: 

Arts SU is still supporting UCU and their campaign, you can view our UCU strike hub here.  


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