Finance and Funding

General Finance Resources

Arts Students Union is a Charity and must abide by something called Charity Law. It is therefore essential that all Clubs & Societies abide by our finance procedures. This is to make sure that we can reimburse you for all purchases. All Presidents and Treasurers should be familiar with the resources below and the Finance Training.

You can familiarise yourself with the Finance Training:

Download training

Once you have completed the finance training, you should have an understanding of the following:

  • An overview of all our financial procedures and how to follow them
  • Accepted receipts
  • How to fill in a PRF
  • Invoices
  • How to use your budget tracker

Payment Request Form - for purchases made by committee members to be reimbursed from your club/society account. Try to keep below £50 if possible. These must be returned with an itemised receipt to be authorised. All should be submitted within a month of purchase.

The following forms should be sent to all anyone that you plan to pay for work they are doing for the club/society, to venues you may be hiring or for anyone that could send an invoice to the society. They outline the SU's payment policies and include all information that suppliers must include on their invoices for them to be processed:

Please note that the Arts SU payment policy is to be paid within 28 days of receiving the complete and correct Payment Request Form or Invoice. If you send an incomplete invoice or PRF, the time will not start until the correct one is received. All payees should be aware of this before they complete any purchases or work for the club/society.

All Treasurers should keep track of their club/society budget and spending. We have created this useful Budget Tracker to help you.
Self Employment Draft Agreement If you have a regular Coach or Instructor, they should complete this draft agreement. This should not be signed by committee members but returned to your coordinator to check for you.

Self Employment Draft Agreement If you have a regular Coach or Instructor, they should complete this draft agreement. This should not be signed by committee members but returned to your coordinator to check for you.

Society Grant Resources

Each year Arts SU receives a block grant from the University to support student activities and a proportion of this is made available to societies through an application process. The purpose of the funding is to support societies to run activities, projects, events, or initiatives to further their aims and objectives

You can submit a grant request for either:

  • Your society’s regular activities e.g. a series of workshops, meet ups, classes, tutor fees etc
  • One off activities e.g. an exhibition, a one off workshop, a fashion show etc
  • A grant panel will meet once a month to review and approve any grants submitted. Details of this panel are in the resources below.

Please use the resources below to learn how to apply for grants to run your society.

How to Apply for Society Grants Training


Grant Application Form


Grant Application Budget


Grant Application Guide

Please use this to complete the budget and application form.


Sports Club Grant Resources

How to apply for Sports Club Grants


Core Grant Application


Additional Grant Application


Fundraising & Sponsorships

Please speak to your coordinator if you would like to fundraise for charity or have an opportunity for sponsorship.