A photograph of a student asking a question at the Annual Members Meeting 2022

School Reps

School Reps are elected student representatives who aim to improve the academic experience of all students within their school/cluster.

2024 - 2025 School Reps

Click through below to see the School Reps in each college:

What is a School Rep?

School Reps are elected student volunteers who represent students across all courses within their school/cluster. There are two School Reps per school/cluster at each of UAL’s colleges, with 24 total School Reps.

By working with school/department staff and other elected representatives to raise feedback and put actions into place, they can help to influence positive change that will improve the academic experience for both current and future students!  

What is required of School Reps?

  • This role is flexible and fits around studies, requiring only hours per term with no prior experience necessary. 
  • Arts SU staff will provide all the relevant training and support needed.  
  • Once elected, School Reps meet regularly with their College Officer and Arts SU staff.  
  • They support Course Reps by raising feedback and issues at school level as well as representing students in their School once a term at Board of Study meetings. 

More information on the School Rep role

School Rep Role Description School Rep Handbook

How do I become a School Rep?

Any student studying at UAL can stand for election for the school rep role. Nominations open in January with elections held in March each year to fill positions for the following academic year. If roles aren’t filled in the Spring election, School Rep positions may be up for election in Autumn elections. 

You can find more information on elections on our Elections page.