A person smiling, they are wearing a black coat with a yellow shirt underneath.

Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study

The Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Policy sets out how the University may respond to instances where there is serious cause for concern about a student’s health or wellbeing or where a student's health, wellbeing and/or behaviour are having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically and function effectively at the University.

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UAL’s Health & Wellbeing Risk Assessment Procedure

This is in place to respond to serious cases around students’ health.

It may involve just revising the existing support that the University provides you with or it might result in more serious courses of action, including suspension and temporary withdrawals of registration.

UAL’s Health & Wellbeing Risk Assessment Procedure

What is protective suspension?

This allows the University to temporarily suspend your studies or exclude you from premises or activities, if they believe you pose a threat to yourself, to others, or to University property. It is part of the health and wellbeing risk assessment procedure.

  • Within three working days, you should be informed of your suspension.
  • Within three weeks, you should be informed of the next stages of the process.
  • After two weeks or more of continual protective suspension, you can appeal the suspension, if no further information has been provided to you. You will submit your appeal to the Vice-Chancellor.

Meeting with the College Dean

As part of the health and wellbeing procedure, you should meet with the college dean. You can be accompanied by a SU Student Adviser.

  • Your case may then be referred to a further ‘case conference’, organised by Student Services. This will allow you to communicate your needs to your Course Team and Student Services.
  • Your case may be referred to different University regulations and services.
  • Your case may progress to the next stage of the health and wellbeing risk assessment procedure, usually a health and wellbeing risk assessment panel.

Health and wellbeing risk assessment panel

Potential outcomes of the panel

Revised support arrangements and a new action plan:

You will continue your studies with additional support or agreements in place.

Further action paused until more evidence has been gathered:

This is often the decision if there is potential disability discrimination.

The panel will communicate to you whether you will remain registered during this time or if you will be suspended.

Short-term suspension:

This might be because the University is preparing a medical report. They will then decide whether to lift the suspension or to move to temporary withdrawal of registration.

Withdrawal from studies for up to 12 months:

The panel will require that you take temporary time out, setting out the requirements for your return.

Termination of enrolment:

This is the outcome in only the most serious cases.

You will find out within 15 working days of the panel meeting if this is the decision.


You can appeal the decision by writing to the University Secretary and Registrar within 10 days of the decision. We encourage you to reach out to us if you are planning to do this.

What can the Arts SU Advice Service do for me during the UAL Health and Wellbeing Risk Assessment?

  1. Advise you on the process.
  2. Help you to structure any appeals.
  3. Accompany you to any meetings and panels.

Contact the SU Advice Service

Email us

Usually the fastest way to contact us is to email using our contact form.

We always aim to reply within 5 working days, but often reply much sooner.

We generally answer in chronological order but if your issue is very time sensitive please mark your email 'Urgent' and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can.

Email us

Book an appointment (new clients only)

If you prefer to speak to someone directly, and you have not spoken to us previously about the issue, you can book an appointment with an Advisor.

If you already have an Advisor assigned to you and you would like to speak to them please just email them directly - this will be usually be much faster than using the booking form!

Book an appointment